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dc.contributor.authorCollado Ruano, Javier-
dc.identifier.citationTransdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science online, Article ID 00082, 2016 TheATLAS Vol. 7, pp. 98-122es
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to study the co-evolutionary processes that life has developed over billions of years in the context of Big History". The main intention is to identify their operational principles and strategies, in order to promote sustainable and bio-mimetic alternatives for the achievement of the \Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG). This is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, and analytical research that includes, unies, and integrates the history of the universe, the solar system, Earth, and human being history. For the development of this \ecology of knowledge", transdisciplinary methodology is combined with the Big History theoretical model. The most important observations show that all forms of life are developing sustainable co-evolutionary strategies in nature since life's first appearance about 3,8 billion years ago. To help in the achievement of the SDG, the research also focuses on human training to reduce ecological and social footprint. As a result, emotional, spiritual, and ecological literacy is required to feel-think-act in harmony with nature.In conclusion, this biomimetic and transdisciplinary research proposes some recommendations to prevent future scenarios where the chronic shortage of natural resources impedes dignified human development and proliferation of life.es
dc.subjectDesarrollo sustentablees
dc.subjectInteligencia emocionales
dc.subjectDesarrollo de metases
dc.titleCosmodern Education for a Sustainable Development: a Transdisciplinary and Biomimetic Approach form the Big Historyes
Aparece en las colecciones: Investigaciones

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