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Título : Storytelling como estrategia didáctica en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de Lengua y Literatura para los estudiantes de séptimo grado de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Guardiana de la Lengua “Bosco Wisuma”
Autor : Flores Flores, Wilver Oswaldo
Arichabla Flores, Gonzalo Fabian
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Brito Román, Juan Carlos
metadata.dcterms.audience: Trabajo de Integración Curricular previo a la obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Ciencias de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe- Pedagogía de la Lengua Kichwa y Shuar
Palabras clave : Storytelling
Lengua y Literatura
Estrategias didácticas
Chichamna nekatai
Ejemaknumani unuimiatai
Itiur jintiatniuit
Sumakrimayachay shimimantapash
Estrategia didacticapish
Language and Literature
Teaching strategies
Fecha de publicación : 6-jul-2022
Editorial : Universidad Nacional de Educación
Citación : TFEIB-PLK;50
Resumen : This curricular integration work has the purpose that the teacher can use the shared learning guide, applying Storytelling, as an exploratory experience, as a didactic strategy in education; The main characteristic of this skill is to create multimedia content, on the narration of stories, myths and legends, in order to improve the skills of basic secondary education, including a variety of instruments for its design, which is adaptable in any context and that it is viable, through the use of different tools that are necessary for the elaboration of the videos, since in education it is essential that the learning imparted be meaningful; therefore, it is advisable to apply teaching strategies that motivate students and even more importantly in this new virtual and distance teaching-learning process, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this research will be to improve the teaching-learning of Language and Literature, integrating it with Cultural and Artistic Education and Social Sciences, since the Shuar curriculum works with integrated areas. And through the use of the inter-learning guide, using Storytelling, as a pilot practice, for the seventh-year students of the "Bosco Wisuma" Language Guardian Millennium Educational Unit. Through videos made with simple, easy, understandable and appropriate content for learning and at the same time provide feedback on knowledge that was not captured in the area of Language and Literature, specifically in writing and differentiation of b/v; this strategy will be a tool for the teacher, of spontaneous use since it does not need much time; its elaboration is not complex, so that the elaborated material is shared with the students. For the development of the project it was necessary to rely on a qualitative methodology, since a pilot project was carried out, which is being experimented with Storytelling, in 7 children out of a total of 22 students, which due to the circumstances of the pandemic could not be done in a regular way. quantitative. Through the use of different This curricular integration work has the purpose that the teacher can use the shared learning guide, applying Storytelling, as an exploratory experience, as a didactic strategy in education; The main characteristic of this skill is to create multimedia content, on the narration of stories, myths and legends, in order to improve the skills of basic secondary education, including a variety of instruments for its design, which is adaptable in any context and that it is viable, through the use of different tools that are necessary for the elaboration of the videos, since in education it is essential that the learning imparted be meaningful; therefore, it is advisable to apply teaching strategies that motivate students and even more importantly in this new virtual and distance teaching-learning process, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this research will be to improve the teaching-learning of Language and Literature, integrating it with Cultural and Artistic Education and Social Sciences, since the Shuar curriculum works with integrated areas. And through the use of the inter-learning guide, using Storytelling, as a pilot practice, for the seventh-year students of the "Bosco Wisuma" Language Guardian Millennium Educational Unit. Through videos made with simple, easy, understandable and appropriate content for learning and at the same time provide feedback on knowledge that was not captured in the area of Language and Literature, specifically in writing and differentiation of b/v; this strategy will be a tool for the teacher, of spontaneous use since it does not need much time; its elaboration is not complex, so that the elaborated material is shared with the students. For the development of the project it was necessary to rely on a qualitative methodology, since a pilot project was carried out, which is being experimented with Storytelling, in 7 children out of a total of 22 students, which due to the circumstances of the pandemic could not be done in a regular way. quantitative. Through the use of different
Descripción : Este trabajo de integración curricular tiene el propósito de que el docente pueda emplear la guía de interaprendizaje, aplicando el Storytelling, como experiencia exploradora, a modo de estrategia didáctica en educación; la principal característica de esta destreza es la de crear contenido multimedia sobre la narración de cuentos, mitos y leyendas, para de este modo mejorar las competencias de la educación básica media, incluyendo una variedad de instrumentos para su diseño. Dicho diseño debe resultar adaptable en cualquier contexto y ser viable, mediante el uso de diferentes herramientas que son necesarias para la elaboración de los videos, puesto que en la educación es fundamental que el aprendizaje impartido sea significativo. Por ello, es recomendable aplicar estrategias didácticas que motiven a los alumnos, máxime en este nuevo proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje virtual y a distancia, debido a la pandemia del COVID-19. El objetivo de esta investigación será el de incidir sobre la mejora en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de Lengua y Literatura, integrándola con Educación Cultural y Artística y Ciencias Sociales, puesto que en el currículo shuar se trabaja con áreas integradas. Y mediante el uso de la guía de interaprendizaje, empleando el Storytelling, como práctica piloto, para los estudiantes de séptimo año de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Guardiana de la Lengua “Bosco Wisuma”. Por medio de videos elaborados con contenido sencillo, fácil, entendible y adecuado para el aprendizaje, al tiempo de retroalimentar los conocimientos que no fueron captados en el área de Lengua y Literatura, específicamente en escritura y diferenciación de b/v (tomado como un micro-ejemplo, si se quiere, de su operatividad más general); dicha estrategia será una herramienta para el docente, de uso espontáneo ya que no necesita de mucho tiempo; su elaboración no es compleja, para que el material elaborado sea compartido con los alumnos. Para el desarrollo del proyecto fue necesario apoyarse en una metodología cualitativa, ya que se hizo un proyecto piloto, que se está experimentando con Storytelling, en 7 niños del total de 22 estudiantes, que por las circunstancias de la pandemia no se pudo hacer de forma cuantitativa. Mediante el uso de distintas herramientas de recolección de datos como los diarios de campo, entrevistas y acompañamiento docente; métodos que sirvieron como base para el desarrollo del trabajo; finalmente se estableció conclusiones y recomendaciones. Juukma Ju takat nekatin tusar jukar pachikma nuka unuikiartin penker jintia najanat tusar najanamuiti, nuya aintsank, nuya aintsarik, nakarar nuya pachiar iwiarnatrar uchi unuiniartin najatatniuiti, juka nekatniuka amamkesar ejemaknumia iisar nuya jukar najanamuiti, aujmatsamu, yaunchu aujmatsamu, aujmatsumu nekamu, nuka nekaska uchi unuimiatai amuiniak ajape pujuinia nunaiti, tura nukap imiatkin irunui nujai takat jukitin, nekasrik iisar pujamujai metek najanatin, nujai amamkesar najanki weakur wakan jikmia iitiai najanatin, tuma asamtai yamaiya juinkia unuimiatka iisar nekatin ti timianaiti, tuma asamtai, yamaiya juinkia imiatkinjiai jintiatin ti timianaiti, uchin waramtikniuiti, yuta yamaiya juinkia nutikiar takakmastin uchi jintiatin ti penkeraiti, arantia nuya ejemaknumani nekatin asa, yamaikia sunkur COVID-19, jatetmaku asakrin unuimiat imian junatsui. Ju takat najanamu jeamurinkia chichamunam, nuya chicham nekamunam, mashi nekatin pachikmanum nuya ii nunke nekamunam aujmatsamu nekamunam penker unuimiatmaiti, shuranum unuimiatmaka nekatai mashiniu pachiamu asamtai. Nuya jintia iwiarnatramu pachimramu najanamua nujai metek unuimiat jukimiu atiniaiti, unuimiatka jui najanati timianum unuimiatai “Bosco Wisuma” shuar chicham emtuktia tiri iniaikiamunam junawai. Nuka wakan itiai najanamu, yupichuch, ujumek, nekamnia nuya unuimiatnum penker jukimnia, nuya aintsank nekamu awakeasrik ejekamnia chicham nekamunam imiach nekachma un awakeasrik nekatniunam nuya aintsak apach aatainiam b/v aamunam awajinia nuna nekatin tura penker aartin; nuka nekaska unuikiartinian tii nukap iyawai, nuka warikmasar najantainti nukap tsawanka utsumnatsui; najanamuka amikchamuiti, uchi unuimia susatin jeatsui. Ju takat najaneakur jintiasar iismaka nekachmanumia nekamunam iirsa najanamuiti, juka takat najanmaka tuakmanum jukimiuiti, iruar nuya akantrar najanamu asamtai, tsenken uchichijiain najanamuiti, mashikia jimiara nawe jimiar uchi ainiawai, sunkur aa asamtai mashi uchijiai takakmaschamuiti, juka takat najankurka iisma jukmaiti ikiam wekakur jutai papi iwiaramu, anintramu, nuya unuikiartin yayakur, nuka takat najankur shiram najanamuiti, nuya amuakur takat najanamu mashiniu enetai ikiursamuiti tura nuya wari najanatniuit nusha enentai ikiuamu awai. Uchillayachishkayuyay Kay llamkay shuk chayrakuy charin, chaytami kan yachachik shuk kamupatay storytellingwan ishky tukushpa llamkanta kankuna. Kay llamkay maskan multimedia yachay ruranata, kay multimedia nishka, hawarimay y ñawpayrimaypish rimanka, kaykuna shuk llamkay sumakmi ruranka. Shinapash anchayupakmi kan estrategias didácticas nishkata ruranata Yachana wasipi rurankapak. Kay taripay sachapampapi rurashka kan, yachayñan imaykanakak kan, kaypi kanchis wawakuna yachanawasi “Unidad Educativa Del Milenio Guardiana de la Lengua “Bosco Wisuma” ayniykarkuna shinami tawka hillay rurachiykanchik shina: tapuykutichiy, rimanakuypi. Shuyurikuchikmanta sumakrimayachay shimimantapash hawaya yachanata kanka, kay Shuyurikuchikmanta sumak sumakmi hamutaypak atillapish kana kan, kayta rurashpa yachachik Mushuk hillaykuna rurankaka Tukurinkapak kayta rurashpaka sumak yachayta wacharinka, kaypi wawakuna ashtawan yachankakuna, chaymanta shuyurikuchik contextualizados rurana kanchik.
metadata.dc.description.degree: Licenciado/a en Ciencias de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe- Pedagogía de la Lengua Kichwa y Shuar
URI : http://repositorio.unae.edu.ec/handle/56000/2665
Aparece en las colecciones: Itinerario en Pedagogía de la Lengua Kichwa

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